Version: 1.3The output of the ionospheric bubble probability (IBP) model is an index, that depends on the day of year, geographic longitude, local time and solar flux index.
The output floating point index ranges between 0-1 and characterizes the percentage occurrence probability of post-sunset low latitude plasma irregularities at the specified time, location and solar flux.
This empirical IBP model has been derived from magnetic observations obtained by the CHAMP and Swarm missions. The model is representative for the altitude range of 350 - 500 km, for local times between 18LT and 06LT, for low geographic latitudes between +/- 45 degree, and for low geomagnetic activity of Hp30 < 3.
The model is representative for the occurrence probability of low latitude plasma irregularities for the altitude range of 350 - 500 km, for local times between 18LT and 06LT, for low geographic latitudes between +/- 45 degree, for low geomagnetic activity of Hp30<3, and for solar flux indices 80 < F10.7 < 250.
day of year, geographic longitude, local time, solar flux index
Floating point index ranging between 0-1 characterizing the percentage occurrence probability of post-sunset low latitude plasma irregularities.
Model is time-dependent.
Change Log
No notable changes to earlier versions, except that the amount of data was increased with the ongoing lifetime of Swarm.
Releases are accessible at: https://igit.iap-kborn.de/ibp/ibp-model/-/releases
Changelog is accessible at: https://igit.iap-kborn.de/ibp/ibp-model/-/blob/main/CHANGELOG.rst?ref_type=heads
- Global Ionosphere
Space Weather Impacts
- Ionosphere variability (navigation, communications)
- Variablility of Plasma Density
- Equatorial Anomaly
- Ionospheric Scintillations
Code Languages: Python
- Claudia Stolle, Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) at the University of Rostock (Model Contact)
- Ina Rusch, Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) at the University of Rostock (Model Developer)
- Yuta Hozumi, NASA/GSFC (CCMC Model Host)
- Jia Yue, NASA/GSFC (CCMC Model Host)
Publication Policy
In addition to any model-specific policy, please refer to the General Publication Policy.