Last Updated: 01/30/2025


Version: 2016

The tool allows the user to request a grid of regions-of-interest where particle data is then used to compute 3D and reduced distribution funnctions.


The tool only works on particle data by the 2016 VPIC model version. The tool reads particle data for single time steps at a time and has no intrinsic time stepping. Time variations come from the underlying VPIC simulations.


Inputs include the VPIC model run to work on, the area of interest (XMIN,XMAX,ZMIN,ZMAX in electron scales), the number of ROIs in X and Z, and the type of ROI (rectangular, field-aligned with parallel of flux-tube boundaries).


Outputs include a map of ROIs, preview plots of reduced distribution functions and 3D and reduced distribution functions in [X,Y,Z], [B,UxB,Bx(UxB)] and [B, ExB, Bx(ExB)] coordinates.


  • Geospace
  • Local Physics


Code Languages: Fortran


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